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Renamer 5 2 0 – Rename Files In Batches

  1. Rename Batch Of Files
  2. Batch Rename Files In Folders
  3. Batch File Rename Multiple Files

NB Renamer 0.1.2. Batch rename your files based on date, text or sequence so you can better manage your data using t.

  1. Naru's Flexible Renamer is a free tool for renaming files and folders, either singly or in large batches, including subfolders. It can rename items using a wide range of methods: copying.
  2. 01 – Rename Master Free. Rename Master is a freeware utility designed to rename multiple files.
  3. With Bulk Rename Command (BRC) you can: Create scheduled jobs using the Windows Scheduler. Perform specific tasks repetitively without user intervention. Download Bulk Rename Command (.ZIP) version for Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, Server 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003, 2000. Application files in a compressed zip file (no installer).

Top 5 Free Multiple File Renaming Tools

File renaming utilties allow you to rename multiple files in one go. They are primarily intended for bulk renaming, such as when you have a number of files and you want to add a certain prefix or suffix to the file name. One common use for such tools is if you have a digital camera that creates files with names like “img12345.jpg”, “img12346.jpg” and so on. With the tools on this page, it’s a simple matter to rename these files with a prefix, change the case, replace certain parts of the filename with other characters, and so on. While it’s certainly possible to just rename the files individually using your usual method, the software here make your renaming tasks a breeze.

Rename Multiple files in one go with these tools, Ideal For music and images:-

Bulk Rename Utility

Bulk Rename Utility is a free file renaming software for Windows. Bulk Rename Utility allows you to easily rename files and entire folders based upon extremely flexible criteria. This Software Shows Live preview, lots of functions, undo features. Where it lacks is User Interface is too cluttered.

Pros: Total versatility, great speed.

Cons: Interface is pretty scary until you’ve played around with it for a while and discovered what everything does.

Lupas Rename 2000

Lupas Rename is a FREEWARE program developed to rename a few or a massive number of files with a lot of features It works on Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2K and WinXP. It is a simple .EXE file (250Kb) and doesn’t need any other external libraries. Cadintosh x 8 5 10.

Pros: Easy to use, extremely versitile.

Cons: Cis smart cd menu creator. No cons that I can identify.

File Renamer Basic

This batch file renamer proves that free software doesn’t necessarily have to cut corners. The interface is straightforward; every tool you’ll need is accessible directly from the main menu. This program gives you detailed options for renaming files, letting you specify prefix, suffix, unique parameters, and extension. You also can find and replace any text string.

Pros: I do a lot of filename manipulation and this program works great. I think they should remove the name “Basic” from the title of the program because there’s nothing basic about this, it’s rather advanced. Tons of features, nice interface.

Lil beethoven sparks rar. Cons: The only shortcoming I can think of is that I don’t see functionality to alter the timestamp by using a photo’s exif data original time. For this I use a photo-specific program. Maybe you can do this, I just haven’t seen this function.


ArduoRenamer is a small and simple software that permit to batch-rename multiple files depending to a set of rules. You can insert an unlimited number of rules that can delete a part of the file name, or replace soma character with another one, change extensions, insert text to a specific position and many more. You can save your current session or file list or rule list separately, as you wish.


Siren renames, moves, and copies files using an expression. A lot of information associated to a file can be used: name, extension, dates, selection number… Other information is extracted from it according to its type: audio, video, image (standard and raw), exif, iptc, office document, pdf, html, executable, dv avi, karaoke, torrent, and url.

Pros: Focused. Does exactly what I need it to do and does it well. FANTASTIC array of expressions, syntax, variables and formats to customize file names in batches.

Cons: It’s not the most fantastic UI on the planet, but it’s solid, and you can’t beat the price (free).

Solid Renamer is a powerful tool which can help you rename an entire folder of files in a single operation.

Rename batch of files

The process starts by thinking about the rules you're going to apply. There are five options. 'Trim' removes text from a given position in the current file name; 'Insert Text' adds it; 'Enumerate' allows you to add numbers to your files; 'Replace' will replace your defined text (regular expressions are supported) with something else, and 'Change Case' can change the case of each name in various ways.

Pixelmator 3 3 1 – powerful layer based image editor. Each of these options is more configurable than you might expect. If you're adding numbers to a file name, for instance, you can define the starting number, how many leading zeros you need, the character position (in the file name) where you'd like the number to appear, and whether that position is starting from the beginning, or the end of the file name.

What's more, you can then combine as many of these rules as you like, perhaps creating something that will trim the beginning of your names, add a number to the end, insert some other text somewhere in the middle and convert everything to lower case (or whatever).

Rename Batch Of Files

If you think this can get complicated, then you're right. And that's a potential problem, because renaming thousands of files incorrectly really isn't something you want to do.

Fortunately the authors understand this, though. So once you've dragged and dropped your chosen folder onto the File List, clicking 'Preview' will show you precisely what effect your rules will have on each file name. Once you've scrolled down and made sure everything is fine, clicking Rename then carries out the operation for real (and in just a few seconds).

You still have to be careful, of course. You're not forced to use the Preview function, and if you accidentally rename some critical executable files then you could run into serious trouble. But as long as you're cautious, Solid Renamer should prove a capable tool which can easily handle all your batch file renaming needs.

Batch Rename Files In Folders


Batch File Rename Multiple Files

A versatile batch file renamer with lots of advanced features

Renamer 5 2 0 – Rename Files In Batches
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